Here’s one for the bookworms.
Planet eBook hosts a growing number of iconic works of classic literature — free to download without needing a log-in or membership. 82 books are currently hosted in the library as PDF files, which can be opened and read on any computer or smartphone. The books served up on Planet eBook are all public domain material; meaning they can be downloaded, copied, printed, and shared without requiring authorization from the author or publisher — as long as you do not modify the content or sell them for a profit.
To read the novels on Planet eBook you will need a PDF reader — get yourself a copy of Nitro PDF Reader for free.
Classic literature is timeless
One defining characteristic of famous classic novels is that the topics and issues on which they are based still reverberate in modern times. Avid readers of classics will agree that themes such as love, hate, life, death, faith, and rebellion serve as a window to a parallel dimension through which one experiences and learns about the essential fabric of mankind — unchanged throughout the ages.
Reading classic novels also serves as a reminder that earlier generations fought the same battles, battled the same struggles, and struggled with the same weaknesses — classic literature being the underlying vehicle to exciting experiences and profound lessons from which we all could learn a thing or two.
My personal recommendation
True, I can be lazy, but the fact that my recommendation is first in the list is purely coincidential.
1984 by George Orwell is undoubtedly the most relevant classic novel to contemporary society. The story portrays a world shrouded in a menacing anxiety of perpetual war, obsessive government surveillance, and enslavement of the people through mind control. The main character Winston Smith is a civil servant who crafts and modifies historical accounts to ensure political propaganda is fraudulently effective, yet his internal conflicts rooted in his own futile existence drive him to seek rebellion against Big Brother.
What? Big Brother? Yep… The term was first coined in this great novel by Orwell. The Big Brother television show is a parody of the ever-present surveillance in 1984‘s oppressive social environment. In fact many of you might have heard the current global political landscape being referred to as ‘Orwellian’, and if you read this novel you’ll soon discover a truth behind the label. Orwell’s 1984 can easily be compared to the popular perception of modern society as being based on conspiratory spying, military enforcement of the law, and mind control through the media apparatus. .
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